Supercharge your Deep Learning algorithms with optimized software

Shailen Sobhee

Data Science Deep Learning Open-Source

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In this talk, you will learn various optimization techniques to improve the runtime performance of your deep learning algorithms on Intel architecture. The presentation will cover how to accelerate the training of your deep neural networks with Tensorflow thanks to the highly optimized Intel® Math Kernel Library (Intel® MKL) and how we boost inferencing with Intel® nGraph and with the Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™.

Type: Talk (30 mins); Python level: Intermediate; Domain level: Intermediate

Shailen Sobhee


Shailen is an AI specialist at Intel. He is the link between the core software engineering team and Intel's end-customers. In his role, Shailen assists and trains customers on adopting the latest and greatest optimized machine-learning and deep-learning frameworks in their software development process. Shailen holds a Master’s degree in Computational Science and Engineering from the Technical University of Munich.

Shailen plays the piano and is an avid football player.