The Forest Wiki

Develop and Run Python in the Browser

Christopher Lozinski

Beginners Docker Documentation Graph Databases Plone

See in schedule

The Forest Wiki is a tree of Wiki pages.. You can edit both the content and the look and feel n the browser. Python code can be run in the browser using either Transcrypt or Pyodide.

To change the content, you can add and edit wiki pages, Google maps, map locations, files and images. You can edit the content with either the WYSIWYG CKeditor, or with the more technical syntax checking Ace editor.

To change the look and feel, you add and edit HTML CSS, Javascript, Javascript Folder, CoffeeScript, Pug, Python, and Python Folder objects.

The forest wiki supports two ways of running Python in the browser. Pyodide, from Mozilla, compiles cPython to WebAssembly which runs in the browser. Pyodide includes over 37 of the best data science libraries. Any pure Python package can be downloaded from PyPi. The other way to run Python in the browser, is too to use Transcrypt which transpiles Python to Javascript. Transcrypt has just a 50 kByte run time. It loads fast.

The Forest wiki is great for teaching Pyodide,Transcrypt, and Pug. Everyone can get their own docker container either installed on their machine, or at my German ISP, it is easy to fire up 30 containers each on their own subdomains. is a single page web app built on top of the Forest Wiki.

Type: Poster session (180 mins); Python level: Beginner; Domain level: Beginner

Christopher Lozinski

Python Links

Christopher Lozinski is an MIT graduate, serial entrepreneur, dual US-EU citizen, and polyglot. Instead of seeking Venture Capital, he moved from Silicon Valley to Poland. is a catalogue of over 1000 of the best Python V ideos organized as a taxonomy. It now also includes the best Python Lightning talks.
PythonLinks is built on top of the free