Python Boot Camp: Introduction of efforts to spread Python all over Japan

Takanori Suzuki

Case Study Community Education Learning Programming

See in schedule

[Python Boot Camp]( is a Python beginner course held all over Japan. #pycamp is organized by PyCon JP Committee and has been held 30 times in 28 regions starting from 2016. The purpose of #pycamp is to expand the Python community throughout Japan, and as a result several local communities were established.

In this poster session I will share about Python Boot Camp's achievements, how it is organized and how we devised it. And I would like to discuss about how to extend this idea beyond Japan, how to expand in Japan more, next steps etc.

Poster outline

* About Python Boot Camp: Introduction of the Python Boot Camp and example of time table.
* Purpose of Python Boot Camp:
* Meetup, Join PyCon JP and Community Launches
* Background of Python Boot Camp: In Japan, Python and PyCon JP have grwown, but not so much outside Tokyo.
* Plan of Python Boot Camp:
* Getting the Word out
* Labbor saving and Efficient operation
* Result of Python Boot Camp:
* Meetup: 32 times, 808 attendees
* Join PyCon JP: Gatherd from all over Japan
* Community Launches: 6 Local communities launched
* Python Boot Camp's Next Step

Type: Poster session (180 mins); Python level: Beginner; Domain level: Beginner

Takanori Suzuki

PyCon JP Committee

Takanori is a Vice Chairperson of PyCon JP Committee. He is also a director of BeProud Inc.(, and his title is "Python Climber". Takanori held PyCon JP 2014 to 2016 as the Chairperson. Currently he teaches Python to beginners as a lecturer at Python Boot Camp( all over Japan. In addition, he published several Python books.
Tananori plays trumpet, climbs boulder, loves Lego, ferrets and beer.