Getting Your Data Joie De Vivre Back!

Lynn Cherny

Big Data Deep Learning Visualization

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Most of us work too much and play too little.  When was the last time you smiled at something you made?  Playing with fun datasets, especially big data sets, opens up weird new forms of technical recreation.  Why not train an amusing model in a browser tab while you're waiting for that day-job Spark query to finish?  I'll show you some data toys I've built using AI and interesting data sets: Most of them involve both backend data science and front-end visualization tricks.  They range from poetry-composition helpers to game log analysis to image deconstruction and reconstruction. All of them taught me something, often about myself and what I like artistically, and sometimes about what "big data" actually means.

Type: Talk (45 mins); Python level: Beginner; Domain level: Beginner

Lynn Cherny

Lynn Cherny has had a distinguished career working in user research, data mining, and UX design at companies ranging from early internet startups like to Adobe and Autodesk and Solidworks. Lynn was awarded a Knight Fellowship to the University of Miami in 2015, where she taught interactive data analysis and visualization courses. She also developed and taught introductory data science and NLP courses at EM-Lyon, a French business school, for 3 years. Lynn has written 2 books about early Internet communities and holds a Ph.D. from Stanford in Linguistics and an M.Phil. from Cambridge University in Computational Linguistics.  She is regularly invited to speak at technical conferences on topics related to AI, Python, and data visualization.  Lynn currently consults on AI and data science from Lyon, France; she is active on twitter as @arnicas.