Running a Synchrotron on Open Source Python

Clinton Roy

ASYNC / Concurreny Architecture Big Data Engineering Hardware/IoT

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A synchrotron is a large research facility that has a large software stack to keep things running, fortunately a large chunk of the stack is Open Source and fair chunk of it is Python to boot. By the end of the talk attendees will understand the scale of the infrastructure (both physical and software) that is required, and have an idea of what sort of problems a synchrotron could help them solve.

Type: Talk (30 mins); Python level: Intermediate; Domain level: Intermediate

Clinton Roy


Clinton is a software engineer who has been able to make a career around supporting researchers using Open Source software.

Clinton is currently a Senior Scientific Software Engineer for ANSTO working at the Australian Synchrotron.

One of Clinton's insane hobbies is helping to organise conferences.